Unfavorable Conjunction of the King & Queen Planets Disturbs Physical & Mental Health

Vedic Remedies to Mitigate Affliction and Bring Stability

What is Amavasya Dosha?

When there is a conjunction of the Sun and the Moon in any sign in the birth chart, it creates Amavasya Dosha. The effects of the Dosha are strong that the Moon loses its strength and positivity under the influence of the Sun and remains weak. Having this Dosha (Affliction) in the birth chart can create many physical and mental struggles for the native.

How Cosmic Alignment Creates Amavasya Dosha

The close conjunction of the Moon, the signifier of mind and emotions, and the Sun, which represents the soul coming together in any zodiac sign, creates Amavasya Dosha, which is powerful enough to trigger physiological and mental disturbances.

Vedic astrology calculates a lunar day when the Moon transits 12 degrees from the Sun. The intensity of Amavasya Dosha varies depending on the degree of the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. Since Rahu rules the Amavasya Thithi (Moon Phase), having Amavasya Dosha in the birth chart is considered inauspicious.

How Amavasya Dosha Can Impact You

The Amavasya Dosha can create problems and impediments for a native with this Dosha in their birth chart. It can adversely impact

  • Relationship with their mother
  • Receiving blessings from their mother
  • Good fortune enjoyed by the native and family
  • Mental and physical health
  • Financial stability
  • Career progress

How to Reduce the Impact of Amavasya Dosha

Home Remedies for Amavasya Dosha

  • Perform Tarpanam for ancestors on all Amavasya days.
  • Do not disrespect your elders, especially your parents.
  • Donate food items like rice, jaggery, and milk to the poor and needy on Amavasya days.
  • Worship Goddess Kali as she is the primary deity who can help mitigate the impact of Amavasya Dosha.
  • Worship Shiva and chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ 108 times on Mondays since Shiva helped the Moon escape his curse.
  • Consume vegetarian food on Amavasya days.

Homa Recommended to Remedy Amavasya Dosha

Chandi Homa (Negativity Removal Fire Lab)

Chandi Homa (Negativity Removal Fire Lab)

Chandi homa invokes the blessings of Goddess Chandi, the very embodiment of the primordial energy of creation, sustenance, and destruction of the entire universe. This homa can neutralize forces that are inimical to your interests, help overcome obstacles, ward off evil eyes, remove curses and cleanse your aura of negativity.

Rudra Homa (Wish-Fulfillment Fire Lab)

Rudra Homa (Wish-Fulfillment Fire Lab)

Rudra Fire Lab- This Fire Lab is targeted to pacify and propitiate the nine planets, in order to increase their positive influence and neutralize the negative influence, and also to bring you spiritual empowerment and worldly pleasures.

Surya Homa (Sun Blessings Fire Lab)

Surya Homa (Sun Blessings Fire Lab)

You may think, dream, imagine, and hope to be a thousand things, but the Sun is what you are! To be your best self in terms of your Sun, cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from the planetary vibrations.

Chandra Homa (Moon Blessings Fire Lab)

Chandra Homa (Moon Blessings Fire Lab)

This Moon homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Moon. The Moon rules your mind and emotions and brings success. Regarded as the Queen of Planets, Moon can deeply impact your decision-making skills positively. Performing Moon homa can balance your emotions, improve self-worth, promote love & success and improve rapport with your mother.


AstroVed’s Dosha Remedial Programs

At times we face unexpected twists and turns in our lives. They may have the capacity to affect us adversely and turn our lives into disarray. Our lives are closely associated with the cosmic bodies, the planets that play a primary role in shaping our lives. Apart from the date, time, and place of birth, the planets’ positions at the time of our birth in our natal chart signify how our life pans out.

In Vedic Astrology, a Dosha occurs when unfavorable conditions surface in a birth chart. They may be malefic planetary combinations in any one of the twelve houses in the chart, nullifying any positive aspect in the horoscope. A native can feel the adverse impact or effects of the Dosha in the birth chart.