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Durga Devi Moola Mantra Energized Copper Amulet: 48 Days

Durga Devi Moola Mantra Energized Copper Amulet: 48 Days

Durga Devi Moola Mantra Energized Copper Amulet invokes the Divine Evil Annihilating energy of Goddess Durga to banish Rahu afflictions, and curb his malefic influence, bring out his positive blessings, banish evil and darkness and bring success, good fortune and strength to overcome challenges
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US $ 208.00
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Durga Devi Moola Mantra Energized Copper Amulet invokes the Divine Evil Annihilating energy of Goddess Durga to banish Rahu afflictions, and curb his malefic influence, bring out his positive blessings, banish evil and darkness and bring success, good fortune and strength to overcome challenges

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