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Live an Uncommonly Fine Life Interactive Fire Lab on June 23rd

Live an Uncommonly Fine Life Interactive Fire Lab on June 23rd

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during Wealth Archetype Vishnu’s 11th Waxing Moon powertime. On this day the Moon will be in Swati, a star of divine blessings. The Moon will be in Libra, a sign of balance and harmony. The “great benefic” Jupiter will be adding his optimistic influences as he sits in Libra with the Moon. This is an auspicious day to seek Vishnu’s triumphant blessings for living an uncommonly fine life.
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This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during Wealth Archetype Vishnu’s 11th Waxing Moon powertime. On this day the Moon will be in Swati, a star of divine blessings. The Moon will be in Libra, a sign of balance and harmony. The “great benefic” Jupiter will be adding his optimistic influences as he sits in Libra with the Moon. This is an auspicious day to seek Vishnu’s triumphant blessings for living an uncommonly fine life.

Join us LIVE for the Interactive Fire Lab on June 23rd at 4:30 AM PDT / 11:30 AM UTC / 5:00 PM IST

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