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Half Inch Lakshmi Narayana Statue

Half Inch Lakshmi Narayana Statue

The intricately crafted statue depicts Narayana (Vishnu) in a seated posture alongside the Goddess Lakshmi. This portable treasure is designed for ease of carrying, fitting seamlessly into your purse or wallet. Carry the Divine energies of Vishnu and the blessings of Lakshmi wherever you go, making every moment sacred and auspicious.
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Our small yet exquisitely detailed Lakshmi Narayana statue is conveniently sized at just half an inch. This portable treasure is designed for ease of carrying, fitting seamlessly into your purse or wallet, ensuring the Divine presence is always within reach.

The intricately crafted statue depicts Narayana (Vishnu) in a seated posture alongside the Goddess Lakshmi. Despite its compact size, this statue beautifully captures the Divine essence of Vishnu's sacred attributes.

In this Divine representation, Vishnu holds his iconic conch, discus, and mace in three of his hands, symbolizing the cosmic forces of preservation. The fourth hand gracefully adopts the Varada mudra, a gesture of boon-bestowing, radiating blessings and Divine grace. Carry the Divine energies of Vishnu and the blessings of Lakshmi wherever you go, making every moment sacred and auspicious.

Directions For Using Half-Inch Lakshmi Narayana Statue

  • You can carry this statue in your purse or wallet, or you can place the Lakshmi Narayana statue on a sacred altar or a prayer room facing north or east.
  • You can perform Abishekam (hydration ceremony) to the statue with rose water or milk according to your personal practice- daily, weekly, or monthly. After Abishekam, rinse the statue with water and wipe it dry.
  • You can put round dots of sandalwood paste at the four corners of the base and on the forehead of the deity.
  • Sit before the statue in meditation while offering your prayers daily or on the 11th Moon days.
  • You can offer fragrant white flowers to the statue by chanting the Mantra "Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha" 27, 54, or 108 times.

Please Note: The color of the statue may change over a period, especially with regular Abishekam (hydration ceremony); however, this does not dilute the power of the energized statue.

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