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Special Prosperity Giving Pradosham Poojas May 22, Jun 5

On May 19, 2009

Pradoshams offer a powerful time for karma removal and the next set occurs on May 22nd and June 5th, both Fridays. Friday is ruled by Goddess Maha Lakshmi, giving you rare back to back Friday Pradoshams to please the deity who controls your money.Pradoshams on Fridays are very special to a form of Lord Vishnu by name Lakshmi Narasimha. Lakshmi Narasimha incarnated during Pradosham time and praying to him on Pradosham days provides you with blessings for money.

If you are subject to other's jealousy, hatred and enmity, then Lord Narasimha will offer special relief to you. When you pray to him with butter balls, he is appeased and protects you from evil eye and malicious acts of others. You will be blessed with prosperity and also recover lost assets. A special drink of jaggery (palm sugar) is distributed to the worshippers at the temple so that Lord Narasimha eliminates evil effects due to enmity. Astroved will organize this pooja in a special Lakshmi Narasimha Shrine in Chennai on May 22nd and June 5th.

In addition, Pradosham poojas to Lord Shiva and Nandi will also be conducted at the Dattatreya Siva Baba Homa center in Chennai. We will be energizing a special form of Nandi statues, specifically designed for use at home. The special feature involves an opening in its horn and when abhishekam or sacred ablution is done, the water comes out through its mouth. This arrangement is said to bring huge luck to the person. Please rush to order this special Nandi statue.Legend of Narasimha and Pradosham: One of the greatest incarnations of Lord Maha Vishnu is Lord Narasimha Avatar. In this avatar, Lord Vishnu takes the form of a man-lion to eliminate the super demon Hiranyakasibu. The Siddhas give a metaphorical explanation for this avatar. Hiranya represents the ego at its peak. When your ego is super inflated, you act rashly and with less prudence. Lord Maha Vishnu decided to teach a lesson to the human beings on the limits that one shouldn't exceed as far as EGO is concerned. So he is depicted as having torn the demon who was an epitome of EGO, in the form of Narasimha. This event happened during Pradosham time.Click here to order these special services

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