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Horoscope of Narendra Modi, Janam Patri, Birth chart

On June 21, 2022

Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India and his party BJP ruling the country at the center, and in various states of India. This is the second term of the Narendra Modi government in the country, and now we will look from the astrological perspective what’s the future holds for him.

Narendra Modi has Neccha Bhanga Raja Yoga in his horoscope in 1st house of his horoscope. This Raja Yoga is the prime factor which made Narendra Modi –The Prime minster of India who began his journey from a very humble background. The Placement of Moon and Mars in 1st house in Scorpio sign is the prime example how strong Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is. He became the Prime Minister of India in the Main period of Moon. Moon in 1st house is the most powerful planet in Narendra Damodar Das Modi’s Kundli. Scorpio Ascendant and Scorpio Moon sign made his personality courageous, determined, stubborn, aggressive and made him enjoy all the royal powers. Mars and Moon in 1st house house in Scorpio gave him Lakshmi Raja Yoga also and made him a hard-working man with lot of persistence, focus. He has goal oriented, practical nature and he always to fulfil his objectives aims with full determination and persistence.

Currently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is running through the Main period Of Mars and the Sub period of Saturn till March 2023. Mars is the most favourable planet in Narendra Modi’s chart after Moon. Although the sub period of Saturn may cause some instability in the country with rising protest and intolerance. The prices of oil and commodities will also go up in 2022-2023 in the sub period of Saturn. However, Due to Main period of Mars things will be under control overall. But Modi’s popularity may decline a bit due to instability, law and order issue and opponent’s unity. Tjere will be constant external pressure on Modi’s government to change their policy internally and also on foreign diplomacy level. There will be some internal political tensions and disagreements within the government . Prime Minster’s health and mental peace may decrease in this sub period of Saturn.. However, his overall charisma is still there, and he has been lucky in crucial matters, including the internal politics of the country and the external politics of this country. The sub-period of Saturn will occur in the main period of Mars. This period can be challenging and tricky for Narendra Modi due to global politics, and there can be inflation and unemployment in the country. Hidden enemies sleeper cells of the country may become active. Although BJP part may win some state election in2022-2023 due to Modi’s campaign but there will be close fights in state elections for BJP.

modi horoscope

There will be security problems, or relations may turn sour with neighboring countries in 2022-2023. However, the strong Mahdasa of Mars in Modi’s chart will protect India and the status of Narendra Modi. The perfect example would be in the 2024 general elections, where the sub-period of Saturn will be declining, and the sub-period of Mercury would be about to give new rise new Dawn in Modi’s life and India’s future. It is probably clear that Prime Minister Modi will continue high dominant Reign as the prime minister for the third term after the general election of 2024. His health will be fine too. India as a country will do much well internally and globally under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi during his third Reign. However, he may decide to quit politics professionally and officially in 2027 without completing his full term. Although, his party BJP may come with the full majority after the 2024 General elections. But due to the Mahadasa of Rahu in 2027-2028, he may get inclined towards spirituality and ascetic life. He may leave active politics in 2027.


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