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Find Out Which God to Worship According to Your Zodiac Sign:

On June 13, 2022

Hindu Gods That You should Worship According to Your Zodiac Sign

According to Hindu Vedic philosophy, “God is one but his forms are numerous. Now, Behind every such form of God there’s a sanctity and a purpose.” People worship a variety of deities in various forms. According to the Agni Purana, if you wish to achieve serenity, success, and wealth in your life, you must first worship the God of your zodiacal sign. Your Isht Dev is the God who represents your zodiac sign.

god's zodiac sign

Surya Dev for Aries :-

Aries natives should worship the lord Sun. Daily, these people should give water to the rising Sun for wealth, health, growth, success, and prosperity. One should fast on Sunday and worship Lord Surya and Lord Rama. One should Chant Surya Mantra Daily. Drink water at least one time from a copper vessel a day.

Chandra Dev for Taurus:-

Taurus natives should worship Lord Chandra Dev and fast on Monday or Friday. Offer prayers to Lord Moon and donate white color clothes to the needy and poor. Chant Beej Mantra" OM SOM SOMAYA NAMAH" of lord Moon daily.

Goddess Laskhmi for Gemini:-

Gemini natives should worship Goddess Lakshmi to seek financial abundance and good luck. On Wednesday and Thursday, one should worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi by lighting Diya of Ghee and chanting "Shree."

Lord Hanuman for Cancer:-

Cancer sign natives should chant Hanuman Chalisa Daily for good health and courage. Cancer natives should also worship lord Krishna and Goddess Saraswati for good fortune, prosperity, and artistic talent. Feed Jaggery to birds and monkeys, Visit Hanuman Temple and distribute sweets for mental and physical happiness.

Lord Shiva for Leo:-

Leo natives should worship lord, Shiva. Worshiping Lord Shiva will bring peace, good health, and prosperity to Leo native's life. Chant "OM NAMAH SHIVAY" daily. Offer water and Milk on Shiva lingam daily or Offer Milk to poor people and dogs on Monday.

Goddess Kali for Virgo:-

Virgo natives should worship lord Hanuman and Maa Kali for better health ad wealth. Always respect women to improve luck and wealth in life.

Goddess Parvati for Libra:-

Libra natives should worship Maa Parvati and Goddess Lakshmi. Visit Shiva-Parvati Powerspot on Friday and offer bangles, Sindoor(Vermillion). Worship and Aarti Shiva-Parvati together. Worshiping Lord Ganesha with Shiva and Parvati with help you gain big success and a lot of worldly prosperity and pleasure. You may become rich.

Lord Ganesha for Scorpio:-

Scorpio natives should worship lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman on Tuesday and Wednesday. Offer Modak to Lord Ganesha and laddu to Lord Hanuman. Worshipping them will remove all the obstacles from your life and make your life easy and tension free.

Lord Vishnu for Sagittarius:-

Sagittarius natives should worship lord Vishnu(Lord Narayan) to gain success, reputation, wealth, high status, materialistic abundance, and influential position in life. Chant "OM NAMO NARAYAN" daily and fast on Ekadashi. Perform Vishnu Pooja and Homa on Ekadashi.

Goddess Saraswati for Capricorn:-

Capricorn natives should worship Maa Saraswati for success in their career or education. Always keep peacock feathers in your books. Never keep books below, near, or under your feet. Worshiping Goddess Saraswati can give big success and fame.

Shani Dev for Aquarius:-

Aquarius natives should worship lord Shani Dev and Lord Ganesha. Feed stray dogs, birds, and cows on Saturday to gain luck, good health, wealth, and prosperity. Donate food, clothes, and blankets to the poor and homeless to gain success and happiness in every aspect of life in every work. Visit Shani Temple every Saturday and chant Shani Mantra.

Goddess Durga for Pisces:-

Pisces natives should worship Goddess Durga every day for lasting success and happiness. Do not disrespect women or hurt a girl child. Worship Maa Durga daily, and Fasting in Navratris will eradicate all problems and negative energies from your life. Also, worship lord Ram – Maa Sita together on Sunday for fame, luck, and success.


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