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According to Vedic Astrology, which days of the Week are considered good or bad?

On July 25, 2023

In Hindu Vedic Astrology, the days of the Week are very significant for things like starting a new project, selling or buying something, or getting married. Hindus choose the most favourable day to ensure a successful outcome. Even in Western countries, people recognize the importance of choosing auspicious days.

You can get guidance on which days are best through Vedic Astrology, which is different from our usual calendar. In the Hindu system, a day starts at sunrise and ends at the following sunrise. This is different from the calendar we use, where a day starts at midnight. It's important to consider the day of the Week when starting a new project or doing something important. If the day lord is strong, you can expect success, but it might be difficult to achieve what you want if it's weak.


The weekdays and their planets:

Each day of the Week is connected to a different planet or star. Sunday is associated with the Sun, Monday with the Moon, Tuesday with Mars, Wednesday with Mercury, Thursday with Jupiter, Friday with Venus, and Saturday with Saturn. This information can be useful when deciding the best day to do certain activities, such as making purchases, starting a new job, or going to the doctor.

What is the Best Day to Buy Gold or Get Married?

Gold: It is believed that certain days are considered lucky for purchasing gold. These include festivals like Makara Sankranti, Ugadi, Akshaya Tritiya, Navaratri, Dusshera, Onam, Pushyami, and Diwali. Buying gold on these auspicious days is said to bring good luck and increase the value of your purchase. Mars Horai(Mangal Hora) on Tuesdays is also considered a good time to buy new things, especially gold, as it is believed to ensure that the gold stays with you for a long time. Wearing gold during these special times and days can positively impact our lives. If you're planning to buy gold, it's recommended to choose one of these lucky days.

Marriage: Deciding to get married is a big deal, no matter the reason. The day you choose for your wedding can have a big impact on the success of your marriage, whether you're marrying for love or it's an arranged marriage. It's not uncommon to hear about marriages that ended in divorce because they happened too quickly.

Thursday is a popular day for marriage-related activities because it's believed to bring good luck. This is because Thursday is connected to Jupiter, which is thought to be a lucky planet. Saturday is also a great day for important events like starting a new job or getting married because it's said to ensure long-lasting success. However, it's best to avoid Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays for marriage-related matters.

When is the best day to start studying?

As parents, we all want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their education and future careers. Choosing the right time to start their academic journey is important, and according to tradition, Uttarayan is believed to be the best time for this. It's said that the sunlight during this time brings enlightenment to their studies and helps them succeed.

It's also considered lucky to start studying on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. These days are associated with positive energies that can help students focus and remain calm throughout their studies. However, it's not recommended to start studying on Tuesdays or Saturdays, as these days are associated with negative influences that could impact a student's journey. It's best to avoid these days to ensure a successful and positive academic journey.

When is the best day to have surgery or take medication?

Medicines and Days:- We want to feel better quickly when we take medicine. It's best to start taking medicine on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. But it's not recommended to start on Sundays with Chaturthi, Tuesdays with Navami, or Saturdays with Chaturdasi followed by Thiruvathira, Magham, Ayilyam, Bharani, Swathi, Kettai, Pooram, Poradam, and Purattathi stars. These days, starting a new treatment or seeing a doctor is considered unlucky.

It's not a good idea to buy things made of Iron on Saturdays as it's believed to bring bad luck. However, donating Iron on Saturdays can bring prosperity and improve your business and wealth. On Fridays, it's a good time to buy new clothes, accessories, jewelry, and food items. Saturdays are considered the best day to buy shoes, especially black leather shoes, but avoid buying on Fridays as it's considered unlucky for the wearer.

If you're looking to buy electronics like computers, laptops, or phones, Thursday might be the best day to do it. People believe that buying these items on Thursdays can help them last longer. Also, if you're in the market for buying property, Thursdays could be a good day. Just remember that every day of the Week has good and bad aspects, so it's important to keep that in mind.

Effectiveness and Significance of Each Day of the Week:- Each day of the Week has its own unique qualities that make it good or bad for certain activities. It's a good idea on Sunday to start work related to medicines and wood, commence studies, and buy and sell iron items. But it's best to avoid traveling west, saying goodbye to people, or starting a marriage on this day.

Monday is a good day to buy vehicles and clothes, attend parties, and go on journeys. However, starting a new business or job or traveling east on this day is not recommended.

Tuesday is good for medical, surgery, technical, and property work. But it's best to avoid court matters and education and not travel north.

Wednesday is perfect for entertainment pursuits and money-related tasks like short journeys, music art, and even buying an iron. It's also a good day to start professional and medical education. However, avoiding paying debt and property work is best, and traveling north is best.

Thursday is considered an auspicious day for buying valuable items like gold and making investments. It's best to avoid the south side and avoid alcohol and non-vegetarian food.

Friday is a good day for love relationships and buying and selling. But it's best to avoid traveling west, making monetary investments, and handling marriage problems on this day.

Saturday is a good day to start a marriage and work-related tasks that will bring long-standing and immediate good results. It's best to avoid legal and medicinal work on this day and not buy or sell iron items while avoiding travel to the East.


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