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4 Zodiac Duos That Don’t Get Along

On June 19, 2024

It’s a fact that we can’t get along with all the people we come across in our lives. Some relationships seem star-crossed, and even if they begin with a bang, they are likely to end with a whimper. Have you ever wondered why this happens? One reason, of course, is the clash of personalities. As we get to know someone better, we discover hidden facets of their personality. Sometimes, this discovery cements the bond, but it can also go the other way when we realize that we actually have very little in common with them. So, how can we avoid such situations? Astrology has the answer.

4 Zodiac Duos That Don’t Get Along

Astrology claims that human beings are influenced by the planets. Some planets exert a strong influence, while others have only a mild influence. The planets not only define our personalities but also determine the events that can unfold in our destiny. A study of your birth chart will show which planets have a strong influence on you.

There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology. Each has its own ruling planet and element. Ruling planets and elements determine our nature and temperament. Generally, zodiac signs that have the same ruling element tend to get along well.

This blog will look at 4 zodiac duos or couples who simply don’t get along.

Aries and Cancer

Planet Mars and the Fire element rule Aries. Mars is the planet of war. Hence, its influence makes Aries natives bold, impulsive, and adventurous. Fire gives them a passionate and energetic nature. They can be hot-tempered and aggressive. The Moon and the Water element rule Cancer. The Moon rules the mind and emotions. It signifies the mother in astrology. It gives the Cancer native a sensitive, caring, emotional, and home-oriented temperament. It is very apparent that Aries and Cancer are signs that are very different. Their differences create problems in their relationship. Aries seeks adventure and excitement, while Cancer seeks security and stability. This duo may have severe communication issues, leading to arguments and emotional turbulence. The outspoken Aries can hurt the sensitive Cancer with their blunt way of speaking.

Freedom-loving Aries finds Cancer’s nurturing nature suffocating and their changing moods hard to deal with. Cancer finds Aries very insensitive and rude.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Planet Venus and the Earth element rule the Taurus sign. Taurus seeks comfort, stability, and routine. Planet Jupiter and the Fire element rule Sagittarius, which seeks freedom, novelty, and adventure. Their clashing needs and desires can create tension in the relationship. Taurus needs security and consistency. To the free-spirited Sagittarius, this can seem suffocating. While Taurus seeks commitment, Sagi is not inclined to make one that easily. Sagi might also find Taurus a stick in the mud who is averse to seeking new experiences. Taurus’ possessive streak also does not sit well with Sagittarius.

These differing temperaments and priorities can create glitches in this pairing, leading to misunderstandings and resentment. The difficulty in aligning their desires results in a stormy relationship.

Gemini and Scorpio

Planet Mercury and the Air element rule Gemini. Gemini is friendly and loves to socialize. They are intelligent, free-spirited, and light-hearted. Pluto and the Water element rule Scorpios, who are intense, emotional, enigmatic, and very passionate. Scorpio has a very dominant personality that seeks to control others. This pairing can be very explosive due to the clash of contrasting personalities. Gemini is a social butterfly who needs a lot of variety in life. This can induce feelings of jealousy and insecurity in the Scorpio partner. The casual and carefree Gemini finds Scorpio’s emotional intensity and passion overwhelming. This gives rise to power struggles and a trust deficit in the relationship. The more Scorpio tries to control Gemini, the more Gemini will try to break free. Their relationship can be very stormy and challenging.

Leo and Capricorn

The Sun and the Fire element rule Leo. Leos have a commanding and charismatic personality. They are born leaders who love the spotlight. Planet Saturn and the Earth element rule Capricorn. Capricorn natives are workaholics. They are practical, responsible, and disciplined. Though they are ambitious like Leos, they prefer to keep a low profile, chasing their goals with single-minded dedication. This is a pairing of two strong personalities with differing styles of leadership. Hence, power struggles and differences over values and priorities will be all too common in this relationship. Leo’s desire for admiration clashes with Capricorn’s reticence and serious temperament.

Capricorn perceives Leo as vain and self-centered, while Leo finds Capricorn too aloof and rigid. Their differing temperaments make it hard for them to get along.

If you find yourself in one of these 4 pairings and want to make your relationship work, consult a good astrologer to find out how you can balance these differences and build an enduring bond.

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