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Things You Should Not Bring Home On Diwali

November 11, 2023 | Total Views : 308
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Diwali, the festival of lights, is a most auspicious time for Hindus. People decorate their homes with diyas and beautiful decorations. A festive atmosphere is evident days before the event, as people are busy shopping for gifts, new clothes, decorations, diyas, etc. Diwali is a time to usher in positivity and good fortune into our lives. On the day of Diwali, people perform Lakshmi Pooja to gain the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, who has the power to bestow wealth and posperity. But we need to keep in mind certain things when celebrating the festival.

For instance, there are some astrological and Vedic guidelines about not bringing home certain things on the day of Diwali, as they can have a negative impact on the harmony of your home during this auspicious period.

1. Black Clothes

According to Vedic traditions, it is very inauspicious to bring home black clothes on the day of Diwali. Black is often associated with negativity as well as sorrow and grief, as it is the color of mourning in many cultures. Astrologically, too, black attire is believed to attract negative energies and disrupt the positive vibrations in the home.

2. Broken or Damaged Items

One should not bring home any broken or damaged items during Diwali. Vedic beliefs claim that broken or damaged objects carry a negative energy, and this may manifest as obstacles in our life. Such items have the ability to hinder our progress and cause unfortunate incidents. So, it is essential to mend or replace such items before Diwali.

3. Hand-Me-Down Gifts

Avoid giving or receiving hand-me-down gifts during the Diwali period. It is true that reusing things is an eco-friendly and sustainable practice. However, Vedic wisdom holds that second-hand gifts are likely to contain the energy of the person who owned them previously. This is not likely to be in alignment with your desires for a new beginning and positive energy during Diwali.

4. Unwanted Clutter

Diwali is an ideal time to get rid of unwanted things and declutter your living space. Do not bring unnecessary items or clutter into your home during this auspicious period. Clutter has a disruptive effect on the physical environment and can cause mental chaos. Astrology says that a clutter-free home is essential for harmony and peace.

5. Sharp Objects

It’s not a good policy to buy or gift things like knives, scissors, and other sharp objects on Diwali. In astrological terms, such sharp items symbolize conflict and discord. If you wish to have peace and harmony at home, it’s best to avoid sharp objects at this time.

6. Dead Plants or Flowers

Avoid bringing home dead or dried-out plants and flowers during Diwali, as it can attract negative energy. On the other hand, fresh greenery represents growth and prosperity. Vedic principles hold that nurturing living plants can promote positivity.

7. Electronics

During Diwali season, many shops offer attractive offers and discounts on electronic items. So, people often tend to purchase electronic goods at this time, especially if they are discounted. However, it is better not to purchase a lot of electronic gadgets at this time, as Vedic astrology claims that bringing home too many electronic gadgets can end up disrupting the balance of natural energies in your home. So, try to limit your purchases of electronic goods during this time.

8. Broken Mirrors or Glass Objects

Astrology says that broken mirrors or glass items should not be kept at home as they attract bad luck and negativity. It is said that the fragmented reflection symbolizes fractured energy. So, try to replace or repair such items instead of bringing them home on Diwali.

9. Steel/Iron items

Do not bring home products that are made of iron or steel on Dhanteras. Instead, you can buy or bring home copper, brass, and silver objects to your home on Diwali.

10. Empty Vessels

Avoid bringing home empty vessels newly purchased from a store on Dhanteras or Diwali. You can fill it with water before you take it inside.


Diwali, no doubt, is the perfect time to revitalize the energy at home. It is the time when Goddess Lakshmi visits her devotees’ homes as they perform Lakshmi Pooja to invoke her blessings and invite her to their abodes. The Goddess is known to be fickle and finicky. Clutter, dirt, dust, etc., are anathema to her. Also, she avoids places where peace, joy, and harmony are lacking. It is important that your home gives forth welcoming vibes to attract the Goddess of good fortune and prosperity. Avoiding the above-mentioned items, as astrology and Vedic wisdom recommend, can ensure a positive and harmonious atmosphere in your home during the Diwali festival.

Diwali 2023 is on November 12, Sunday.


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