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Archana and Fire Ritual to the Warrior Goddess Durga on 13th April IST

Archana and Fire Ritual to the Warrior Goddess Durga on 13th April IST

On the 3rd night of Spring Navaratri festival, which is dedicated to the warrior Goddess Durga, an Archana will be performed at Her Power Spot and a group fire ritual will be performed at Astroved Fire Lab and Remedy center in Chennai on 13th April. Participate in the rituals and receive Her blessings.
US $ 51.00
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On the 3rd night of Spring Navaratri festival, which is dedicated to the warrior Goddess Durga, an Archana will be performed at Her Power Spot and a group fire ritual will be performed at Astroved Fire Lab and Remedy center in Chennai on 13th April. Participate in the rituals and receive Her blessings.

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