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5 Priest Grand Group Shiva Shakti Fire Ritual on 26th July

5 Priest Grand Group Shiva Shakti Fire Ritual on 26th July

A grand group Shiva Shakti fire ritual will be performed on 26th July IST (Dashami - 10th Waxing Moon during the Tamil month of Aadi) to receive the blessings of both Shiva and Shakti. This powerful ritual gives you the ability to access the pure and powerful cosmic energy and activate the creative forces within you to manifest your strong desires.
US $ 36.00
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A grand group Shiva Shakti fire ritual will be performed on 26th July IST (Dashami - 10th Waxing Moon during the Tamil month of Aadi) to receive the blessings of both Shiva and Shakti. This powerful ritual gives you the ability to access the pure and powerful cosmic energy and activate the creative forces within you to manifest your strong desires. It also helps to wipe out pain and obstacles from your life. Without the right energies aligned within you, moving in the right direction can even become inconceivable. 

Participating in the elaborate rituals conducted by five experienced Vedic priests will refine your senses and lift you spiritually.  By aligning yourself with different patterns of energies, you will bring better balance in your life, improve perception of life situations, and gain the right insight.
Jupiter Pooja

Jupiter Pooja

Jupiter is considered to be the teacher of the mankind who governs religion and spiritualism. It has been proven astrologically that Jupiter is the planet of “Success”. Jupiter is the other term for excellence; he is the teacher, the priest, and the crusader of life. Lord Jupiter represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire.

US $ 14.00
Mars Pooja

Mars Pooja

According to Vedic Astrology, Mars is a fierce planet and commander among the Navagraha. Also known as Chevvai, Kuja, Angaraha and Bowma, Mars is a highly energetic planet that can symbolize the emotional aspects of a person. The fiery planet denotes traits like courage, aggression, enemies, weapons, engineering, armed forces, police, administrators, and metals. Mars, when well-placed in a birth chart, it can impart strength, courage, confidence, and vitality in an individual.

US $ 14.00
Moon Pooja

Moon Pooja

Planet Moon rules over our mind, heart and emotions. Moon is the karaka of our mind and heart. Moon represents our thought process, belief, ideology, creativity, emotions, ideas etc. Moon is also the governing planet of our skin, brain cells, emotions, sentiments and body fluids.

US $ 14.00

Prasna (Horary Astrology)

Instant Insight is a Prasna (Question) or Horary Astrology based on an ancient and unique branch of Vedic Astrology. 'Hora' loosely means 'the hour'. It is also known as 'Prasna Shastra', meaning "Question Ancient Wisdom" as it involves a person asking a specific question and examining the current location of the all planets in the sky. Using the current planetary position, an answer is revealed. Your birth chart is not used.

US $ 11.00
Saraswathi Pooja

Saraswathi Pooja

Saraswati is the Goddess of learning. She is an embodiment of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. She is the divine consort of Brahma, the God of creation and is counted as one among the three supreme Goddesses, the other 2 being Lakshmi and Parvati. Saraswati is regarded as the Goddess for all kinds of arts and sciences.

US $ 14.00
Saturn Homa

Saturn Pooja

Saturn is the most dreadful planet among all the other planets. While he transits to your zodiac, he makes sure that he puts you through trials and tribulations. Even people, who had been successful all through their life, suffer significantly during their Saturn period. You must know that all his rough attempts are merely to guide you on the perfect path of life.

US $ 14.00

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