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Detailed Student and Educational Assessment for One Year

Know your children’s chart for intelligence and learning strengths and impediments. Our educational experts will forecast the exact subject areas where the greatest advancements in learning can be made, what planets are contributing to educational success and when will they be influencing your child the most in this year. Find out why focus, concentration or low confidence could be affecting grades and how anyone can overcome these and other limitations. The detailed Student and Educational Assessment report for a year also includes suggestions for mantras, yantras and powerful remedies.

Note: Please allow minimum 7 working days for delivery of the report.

Detailed Student and Educational Assessment for One Year

Detailed Student and Educational Assessment for One Year

Competition is growing and one way of ensuring success is to know your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. Get an idea of your child’s psyche through his Detailed Student and Educational Assessment report and our astrologers will tell you where the advancements in learning can be made and how to overcome the impediments.  

US $ 34.00